I have been very anxious over Bryson's disinterest in table food. All he wanted to do was spit it out. So my spring break mission was to introduce him to several new big people foods and try to get him on board. I was VERY excited that we had success on the second day. Bryson ate chicken nuggets, carrots, pasta spirals, strawberries, oranges, ravioli, and green beans over the last few days. Green beans were a HUGE success. He kept shoving them in his mouth! I so wanted to do the happy dance but didn't want to disrupt the momentum we had going on. He is even trying very hard to use a spoon to feed himself. He still needs some help guiding the spoon to his mouth but he gets the idea. Needless to say Mommy is breathing a sigh of relief that Bryson won't be eating baby food until he is two! Enjoy the pictures of our VICTORY!
Green beans are GOOD!
Mandarian oranges are YUMMY!
Working hard with the spoon!
We are celebrating!