Sunday, May 27, 2007

An Observation From Mommy

It is amazing that a 12 pound child can produce a coffee table full of laundry that takes 30 minutes to fold.


Unknown said...

I would laugh... but that might mean _I_ would have to start folding the 12-pounder's clothes too.

Unknown said...

Okay but tell me this -- do you mind folding it? I have always HATED folding laundry -- except for Mer's. Everything is so sweet and small and pretty. I'm sure I'll get over it eventually, but for right now, I actually enjoy it!

(PS -- I do NOT enjoy getting toddler stains out before washing).

ThePoeFam said...

Is this not so true!?!? I also am amazed that 4:00 p.m. can roll around and I havne't even brushed my hair! HA! Oh, the joys of being a mom!!!! :)